New Tool Set to Reduce Human Capital Risks in Mega-Mergers

Oslo, Norway, May 10, 2010: BrightArch AS launched OrganizationWeaver today, an enterprise software that manages complex human capital decisions during transformational changes. In a post-financial crisis landscape, corporations are reorganizing and merging to meet new challenges. The process of implementing these big changes often increases organizational risks that could damage employee productivity. OrganizationWeaver was created to avoid these risks.



“OrganizationWeaver solves the problem of matching thousands of employees (who have thousands of preferences) to thousands of positions; and doing it in a way that builds trust among stakeholders in a short time frame,” explains BrightArch Founder and CEO, Tor Kielland.

Merger integrations are especially plagued by this problem.

Many studies have documented that mergers tend to fail. A 2007 study by the Hay Group found that “only nine per cent of business leaders considered their deal to have achieved all its original objectives”.With the launch of OrganizationWeaver, those leaders will have a dedicated tool to help increase that success rate.

A beta version of OrganizationWeaver was used to staff 10,000 positions for a Fortune Global 100 company undergoing a merger integration.  “Because we could efficiently manage the process and engage employees, we were able to avoid a lot of the frustration that comes with such a big change. That’s exactly why we’re launching a completely packaged version of OrganizationWeaver today; to replicate that success for other clients” said Mr. Kielland.

This should be welcome news to the leaders and employees of companies that have recently announced mega-mergers. United/Continental or Kraft/Cadbury should be keen to avoid the organizational risks that plagued mergers like HP/Compaq or AOL/Time Warner.

OrganizationWeaver consists of three integrated modules that manage the organization design process, collect employee preferences, and streamline the staffing process. It is available in a Lite hosted version, or an Enterprise on-site version.

OrganizationWeaver has been under development by BrightArch since December 2007.


BrightArch AS is an innovative provider of human capital transformation solutions. Located in Oslo, Norway, BrightArch develops and supports OrganizationWeaver. To find out more, please visit